Helping people feel &
perform better

Modern city living can be very stressful

Pressures at work, with family and others can make us feel like we are living in a constant state of ‘fight or flight’, often experiencing severe worry and overwhelm.

When this adds to any pre-existing conditions, adversities or trauma, our mental health suffers. Our pain deepens, our bodies become fatigued and we can suddenly feel like we are ‘shutting down’.

But it does not have to be this way

With years of experience in this field, we have the expertise to offer you a portfolio of tailored evidence-based therapies and psychological interventions to help you find a new balance and enjoy life again.

Stop stress, anxiety and trauma
from holding you back

Who we help

one to one therapy

A 3 step Process

Step 1
Book your Consultation

Step 2
Choose your Package

Step 3
Find your Balance

Laura Villa Chartered Clinical Psychologist and founder of City Living Psychology


Hi, I’m Laura Villa

‘Why Stress, Anxiety & Overwhelm, Trauma & PTSD?’

‘They are increasingly found to affect people facing the multiple challenges of modern life; are deeply interconnected and rarely present as an alone problem, just sit at different levels of consciousness and awareness.

I conceptualise them as different layers of stress, and I have developed a model of work which addresses this complexity and helps individuals find a renewed sense of  balance’. 

Read more about me and what inspired me to repurpose my service to address these problems. Learn about my personal and professional journey to understand if we can work togeth

What people say

Are Stress and Worry Holding you back?

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3-step Guide to Reduce Stress and Worry

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