How does an intervention look like:
Whenever the nature of the difficulties experienced by children appears to be more complex, long-lasting and possibly having an organic or neuropsychological nature, specialist psychological assessments are considered.
A Specialist Psychology Assessments
Aims at ruling out any general or specific learning difficulty or other neuro-psychological or cognitive difficulties and include: the administration of standardized rating scales informing on mood and other clinical conditions; cognitive testing; liaison with school and relevant health professionals; behavioural observations and review of any previous evaluations.
ADHD Assessments
Are carried out in the presence of significant and longstanding and impairing difficulties in the area of attention, concentration, hyperactivity, planning, organisation and executive function difficulties. A mental health problem can also be associated to this and to ascertain or to rule out whether this is either caused or maintained by a picture of ADHD can be very helpful and reassuring for the individual.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessments
Are carried out in the presence of significant and persistent difficulties with social and communication and consist in the administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-II) and Diagnostic Interview (3Di). Autism assessments are multidisciplinary and are carried out by Dr Villa in collaboration with her colleagues.
We use a modern approach to assessing children, in line with the most advanced technological tools for psychological assessments. For cognitive assessments we use Q-Interactive, whose advantages are explained in the video below: